Chatra biomandala is a multidisciplinary contemporary installation that holds space and time for community to wave their dreams from all walks of life
Mushrooms are growing in the bio mandala installed at Alkuvoima, for a few years to come. Mushrooms are true artist is this project.
The composition of this bio-art does not consist only of scientific knowledge or of biological research, concepts, measures, methods, and models. This bio-art is formed because the living impulses that deals with itself, which pass far off current artistic and scientific categories.
Photo: Merina Emilia Vellonen

Community Based Art Project "Chatra-BioMandala" Documentary
“Chatra Bio-Mandala” documentary is about underlying knowledge and creative process behind artistic participatory collaboration process between artists, researchers, community members and mushrooms. The intention is to explore physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our inner and outer world with the help of creative participation. Intangible manifestations are the process of community- based creative activities, rituals, offerings, and the mental and spiritual exploration of the individual consciousness. Director: Amir Abdi

The purpose of my research study is exploring possibilities of impacting spiritual and environmental awareness of art event participants by engaging them in community art projects.
Structured participatory art research was conducted between dozens of participants and resulted in various art events, bio mandala installation, recording the process in a documentary film format, Link to the video https://youtu.be/t57iZ3_zRdw and social media Instagram channel creation @Chatra_biomandala
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Social media report on Chatra_biomandala progress